Don’t Hesitate! – Know Thyself – Look Within and Beyond

Education Lens
17 Feb 2021
8.40pm - 9.00pm

Don’t Hesitate! – Know Thyself – Look Within and Beyond

What is the miracle of growing? Phillip, currently the Principal of Barker College regularly stands at the front gate welcoming the students onsite and reflects on what he sees, hears and notices. In this session Phillip will share his experience about nuturing and fostering the relationship between culture and education based on a uniquely ‘universal human experience’ of thriving regard for inclusion, diversity and growth.

Globally, education comes with many challenges and stripping away the markers of ‘the sacred’, or what really matters isn’t always easy – so the relationship between Indigenous, Europeon and Asian stories has huge possibilities for ‘a bright future that Aussies dont need to be persuaded about. You will share in Phillips collaborative style and his deeply relational belief that all leaders need to regularly immerse themselves and view their own story through the eyes of others – that this is a PRIVILEGE. Find out about the ‘vase of thriving from within.”